Saturday, December 15, 2007

Random Rant: Don't Touch That Dial

The S&B won't publish another print issue until after winter break, but that doesn't mean we've completely closed up shop. Keep following the S&Blog for both news and content like this, Fiona M. Martin '08's random rant.

What the hell?
I was under the impression that TV in the Grille was to
A) only broadcast news
B) remain on MUTE.
Yet here I am, in the weekend before finals, and the Grille TV was on the USA network showing some mediocre action move, and now its on some MTV dance show. Even worse, its not on MUTE! I'm up on the second floor above the grill, with my back to the TV, and yet I can hear every word coming out of that machine (two supermodels are having an argument).
Regardless of what people want to watch, the TV needs to be on MUTE. Plus, the student initiative I voted for, said the TV would be on a news channel.
Who's in charge of the remote anyway?
Your distracted peer,
-Fiona M. Martin '08